Apistogramma sp. rotpunkt "Blue Cheek"

A photo of a male 'Blue Cheek' Apistogramma rotpunkt.


Another photo of a male 'Blue Cheek' Apistogramma rotpunkt.


A male 'Blue Cheek' Apsitogramma rotpunkt in nice coloration.

A male 'Blue Cheek'
Apistogramma rotpunkt.


Another view of the male
'Blue Cheek' Apistogramma rotpunkt.


A male 'Blue Cheek'
Apistogramma rotpunkt showing yellow coloration.


A female 'Blue Cheek'Apistogramma rotpunkt in normal coloration.


A female 'Blue Cheek' Apistogramma rotpunkt in broodcare coloration.


A close-up view of the Apistogramma rotpunkt 'Blue Cheek' showing the blue on the cheek.

A female 'Blue Cheek'
Apistogramma rotpunkt in
normal coloration.


A female 'Blue Cheek'
Apistogramma rotpunkt
in broodcare coloration.


A close-up view of
Apistogramma rotpunkt 'Blue Cheek' showing the blue cheek.
